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Today is Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The week that changed the world

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Passion Week. Holy Week. The week before Easter Sunday. How important is it?

Well, for Christian's around the world it should be very important since Passion Week, also called Holy Week, holds significance for many reasons. It's the week that Jesus, in passionate anger, cleansed the temple and threw out the money changers who took advantage of believers with little money.

The week begins on Palm Sunday, as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a young colt with the people crying out, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" (Luke 19:38 ESV). The week is called Passion Week because of Jesus' open passion for undeserving people as he, willingly, died on the cross to pay for our sins. Even when they didn't believe in him; he paid for their sin. And ours. To set us free from the law of sin and death.

It is the week, he taught about the end times and signs of his second coming. It is the week of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem signifying his Kingship.

It is the week that Jesus stood on a hill overlooking the city of Jerusalem and wept for people who rejected him. "Eternal peace was within your reach and you turned it down," he wept, "and now it is too late" (Luke 19:42 TLB).

It is the week that Jesus ate his last supper with his disciples in the upper room where he warned Judas, "What you do, do quickly", (John 13:27). It was the week Judas betrayed him.

It was the week Jesus sweat great drops of blood as he agonized over his upcoming death on the cross. After a fake trial and being beaten, Jesus was farther humiliated as he carried his own cross up Golgotha's hill ... to his own crucifixion.

It was the week Jesus died and was buried. His bruised and battered body lay in the tomb until Sunday, the day after the Sabbath, and then he miraculously, by the power of God, was resurrected.

I hope Passion Week (Holy Week) is a time we all think more about Jesus and the price he paid to give us a better life. A life of redemption. A life of peace. The best news is THAT HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE. He is no longer in the grave. Because He lives, we can live. According to the Bible, Jesus is now in heaven making intercession (prayers) for us. Oh, What A Savior!

What an eventful week it was for Jesus! How can we possible not appreciate all he did to give us peace? I sure don't want Jesus to look into my life and weep like he did over Jerusalem when he said, eternal life was within your reach and you turned it down. Scripture says, "Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathers her children under her wings, and ye would not" (Matt. 23:37 KJV).

What a difference a week makes!

Photo taken by Larry Morgan

Fort Jefferson Memorial Cross, Wickliffe, KY.

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