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We plan for what we expect ... so what are you expecting?

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Years ago, a friend gave me a bit of advice that I've never forgotten. He said, "Expect the best; prepare for the worse ... things will always work out."

I thought about this friend and reflected on his philosophy. It has proven true in his life. Somehow, he always comes out on top. He expects the best. He doesn't sit around in the dumps feeling sorry for himself because God hasn't done something for him. This guy has had some mighty big punches that could have knocked him out of the ring. Instead, he continues to expect the best. But he not only expects the best...he prepares for the worse.In other words, he doesn't let it happen to him, but he happens to it.

He prepares a 'working budget' that will work even in the hard times. He is like the ant that prepares for winter while it's still summer. He has a reservoir set back in case of emergency because he is wise enough to know emergencies come. Emergencies happen to everyone. The wise person prepares for the winter, the dark days of life.

God's principals work no matter who works them. When you expect the best and really expect it...not just say it with your mouth, but really believe it...you will find the seeds you sow come up.

Expectation is a magnet that attracts both good or bad. Ask any hunter and he will tell you the fun is in the hunt. At Christmas time, the fun is in the expectation. The few weeks before Christmas is much more fun than Christmas Day.

In life, if you expect nothing, you will most likely get nothing.

I have another friend who is a preacher and I remember him saying, "I don't believe in drinking, but I've got a boy so I know he will drink and party."Turns out, that's just what happened. He did eventually get back in church, but not before sowing a lot of wild oaks that produced some tough consequences that he's still paying for.

I think Satan has created a form of quick sand that keeps Christians always fighting the same old battles in the same old mud hole ... so they never get past mediocracy.

That quick sand is you thinking you are never good enough. When you are covered by the Blood of Jesus, you are good enough. The devil constantly makes you think something is wrong with you. He tells you, "Do more. Do more. Give more. Give more. Do more. Do more. Clean up your act. Don't do this. Don't do that." ...It is a cycle that traps you in the same old spot for years and years.

Let me ask you this. If the Blood of Jesus is not enough for you than what on earth is? When you have the Blood of Jesus applied to your life, you can and should expect the best. Then when the storms arise, you have a foundation that is strong enough to weather the hurricane.

Disorganization scatters. A well-prepared plan that plainly defines the goal, unifies. Expect the best, but prepare for the worse. A well-thought-out plan thwarts the devil's plans to keep you fighting the same old battle, in the same old arena, with the same old results year after year. Planning and preparing are important Biblical principles.

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